“The Pirates of Penzance” Audition Information

Vocal auditions will be held on September 14 from 3:30 pm to 6:00 pm in the choir room.

Please read through the entirety of this Audition Packet:


Songs do not have to be memorized, but be familiar with them! Here is a YouTube link to the Public Theatre’s 1980 Production soundtrack (be aware, there are some differences):


These are for pitch and style reference only. Please do not copy the performances, we simply want to see/hear your wonderful personalities!

Here is a link to the full vocal book (the audition packet specifies songs and page numbers):


Please be sure to fill out the audition form within the packet prior to September 14. You will then hand the audition form to stage management as soon as you arrive and sign in. Auditions will be on a first come, first serve basis.

An accompanist will be provided. The accompanist will have all sheet music. If you need to use your sheet music during your audition, please print your own copy. 


If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Beckingham, the director, via email – beckings@wlwv.k12.or.us

Break a leg!!

Devised Theatre Project – “Youth’s a Stuff”

We want to chronicle WLHS teenager’s experiences during a tumultuous and strange time. Whether it is directly related to the pandemic, civil rights protests, an ice storm, or anything else since the on set of COVID-19 and distance (now hybrid) learning, we want to hear your stories. Utilizing the words of many student voices, we will devise a play comprised of monologues, small scenes, art, and music. The piece will be filmed and uploaded onto our WLHS theatre You Tube channel.

If you are interested in being a participant within this impactful work, please fill in this Google Form: https://forms.gle/MWPKUq8JazDKCeio6. if you have questions, feel free to contact our Stage Manager, Miranda Wiler – wilerm@wlhs.wlwv.k12.or.us. As a participant, you will set up a time to have a conversation with one of our interviewers. Your words and experiences might just end up in the play! We are happy to keep you completely anonymous if you desire.

Student’s voices will be the main creative force behind this work. Be a part of something important and valuable.

You can read more detailed information about the project here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1zEgKgs7T5Gxk6PMo6D7tbRGUoN7jEuFYOHPe9m-b6VA/edit?usp=sharing

We hope to hear from you!

Lakewood Theatre Scholarship & Auditions

Do you plan on pursuing the performing arts in college? Apply to potentially receive some money!

The deadline for the scholarship is THIS Thursday (April 1)!

ALSO, Here is audition info for virtual shows specifically for high school students. This would be a great experience, and look good on the old resume!

Please read through everything carefully before asking questions. Contact Steve if you need any audition tips and tools!

Virtual State Festival 2021

The Oregon Thespians State Festival is VIRTUAL this year, and we must be registered by this Thursday, March 11!!

This year’s theme is “Out of This World”! The Festival will be comprised of workshops, virtual productions, virtual one-act entries, Showcase entries, opportunities to visit with representatives from colleges and professional programs, socializing, dance parties, and other theatre nerd shenanigans. There are a lot of people working very hard to ensure that this year’s Festival will be both educational and entertaining.

WE don’t have many details yet, but I do know:
-The festival starts on the afternoon/evening of Friday, April 9, and continues/concludes on Saturday, April 10.
-The cost is $35.00 if you are an inducted Thespian, $40 for all other participants
-You will get a t-shirt!

If you want to attend Virtual State this year, you must:
-Commit to attending by informing Annie Kaiser – kaisera@wlwv.k12.or.us
-Drop off a check for the fee of $35/$40 at the WLHS office no later than 3:30 pm on Thursday, March 11. Please make the check out to “West Linn High School” and put it an envelope that says “Annie Kaiser – State Fee” on it.


It’s going to be OUT OF THIS WORLD!!

2021 Virtual Regionals Results

Amid an ice storm, and just before mass power outages, many of our Thespians “powered” through submitting performance videos for the 2021 Virtual Regional Acting Competition. Coaching students on their pieces via Zoom, Annie and I found great joy and pride seeing these students engage in something they are passionate about. The results of the competition were announced on 2/23. We could not be more proud. Here they are:

Solo Musical Novice, Regional finalist – Alexandria Evans

Solo Musical Novice, State Qualifiers – Sofia Gomez, Ellie Seward

Solo Musical Experienced, State Qualifiers – Brigitte Chenevert, Karah Rhoades, Parrish Noce, Brett Mason

Duo Musical, State Qualifiers – Brett Mason, Aymeric Burthey

Solo Acting Novice, Regional Finalist – Ainslie O’Connor

Solo Acting Experienced, State Qualifiers – Karah Rhoades, Rachel Dumas

Pantomime, Regional Finalist – Evan McCreary

Pantomime, State Qualifiers – Brigitte Chenevert, Coleman Henry