The WLHS Theatre Arts Department presents a double bill on stage – A Number by Cary Churchill, and These Shining Lives, by Melanie Marnich. A Number is a compelling meditation on human cloning, personal identity, and the conflicting claims of nature versus nurture. These Shining Lives chronicles the strength and determination of women in the 1920s who worked in a watch factory painting watch faces with glowing, radium-rich paint. The play is based on the true story of the “Radium Girls,” and the toxic and deadly levels of radium poisoning they encountered. Their strength and determination helped shape today’s rules and regulations within the workplace. The plays run March 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14. Curtain is 7pm. Tickets are $8 for students, $10 for adults, and can be purchased at the door or online at