This one was a hard, hard, hard one to cast. Well done and congrats to all.
The following people, please meet at 3:30 on Monday Jan 10 for a read through/table work. We will go until 6. Production Stage Manager, Cate Berry, will eventually email about scheduling and calendar access.
Live improv (not improve) is back at West Linn High School, Friday 12/17 and Saturday 12/18. Eric Nepom, esteemed lion tamer, has been working with theatre students on characterization, collaboration, and on-the-spot storytelling. With lights, sound, pantomimed horse riding, and even a very abridged improvised version of A Christmas Carol, you are sure to find at least one moment to laugh at. Tickets are $7 and must be purchased in advance. Go to .
The first The Den Improv Troupe meeting will take place Tuesday November 30 from 3:30-5 in the Black Box. The second meeting is the following day, Wednesday December 1 (early release) from 1:30-3:30. To be a performer within the troupe, you must attend the majority of the rehearsals. All rehearsals, the dress, and performances are on the calendar:
The initial meeting that was scheduled for Wednesday Nov 17 from 3:30-5pm is now canceled. The meeting will be rescheduled to the week after Thanksgiving break.
The first meeting will be next week, Wednesday Nov 17 from 3:30-5 in the black box. We want people with all levels of experience….especially if you have never done it before!
Tickets for our fall musical, “The Pirates of Penzance” go on sale this Halloween Sunday, 10/31! Purchase online at You can also call the box office for hours – 503.673.7939.
Presenting the rollicking classic operetta……but set in the 1950s! Think, “The Outsiders” meets Annette and Frankie’s “Beach Party.” Frederic, a junior “pirate”, has fulfilled his indenture, and leaves his rebellious gang. But instead of sticking with Ruth, his nurse-maid, he falls for the beatnik beauty, Mabel. Amid Fred and Mabel’s courtship, the “pirate” gang return to confront Fred, Mabel, Mabel’s sisters, and their father, “Major” General Stanley. A goofy gaggle of Lifeguard Police, and their Sergeant, arrive on the scene, attempting to save the day. Accompanied by the WLHS Symphonic Choir and members of the WLHS Orchestra and Symphonic Band, the production promises to be an energetic and humorous dive back into live theatre. We cordially invite you to safely join the party November 12, 13, 18, 19, or 20 at 7pm.
We appreciate you following these WLWV District guidelines when you attend:
1) Masks must be worn at all times (5 yrs and older) in the lobby and seating area.
2) No food or drink, including water, may be consumed in the seating area or lobby (with exception of the drinking fountains.)
3) Please distance family groups/households from each other. The seating chart for each performance will be designed with empty seats between groups. If you are not able to accommodate your party in available seats, please contact Annie Kaiser at
Come join Thespian Troupe 1915 for info, games, and a drawing to win 2 complimentary tickets for the entire WLHS Theatre season! We will also be joining choir folks for a friendly game of kick ball!
Songs do not have to be memorized, but be familiar with them! Here is a YouTube link to the Public Theatre’s 1980 Production soundtrack (be aware, there are some differences):
Please be sure to fill out the audition form within the packet prior to September 14. You will then hand the audition form to stage management as soon as you arrive and sign in. Auditions will be on a first come, first serve basis.
An accompanist will be provided. The accompanist will have all sheet music. If you need to use your sheet music during your audition, please print your own copy.
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Beckingham, the director, via email –